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ALL are welcome

Worship Christian Center (W.C.C.) is a place where people can worship, knowing God is the center of attention.

Pastor John W. Rivers set the foundation for a strong community and solid family. We are always happy to meet new people.

Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

- Hebrews 10:25 -



Virtual Worship Experience

Join Pastor John W. Rivers as he delivers the word of the God both virtually and in-person.

12 NOON 
Impact Bible Study

Do you have questions about the teaching in the Bible? Pastor John W. Rivers will be your guide to understand the words of God. 

(FB Live Only)

8 PM
Intermediate Bible Study for the Youth

Learning about God at a young age is powerful. Gathering the youth to talk about God and learn of his word.

10 am - 2 pm 
Community Impact Food Pantry

Open to All.

Please practice social distancing and wear a mask.

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Prayer Line

Do you need a prayer, but can't make it to church?

Do you want to have someone with you as you talk to God. Call the prayer line:

(540) 792-0192

Access Code: 398067#

(6 AM, 12 NOON, 7 PM)
(6 AM, 10 AM, 7 PM)
(5 PM)

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Event Calendar




John Wesley Rivers was born on August 1, 1968 in New York City to the proud parents, Beatrice Rivers and Harvey Graham.  He was raised in South Jamaica, Queens and then moved to Hollis, Queens. He grew up in a home with eleven siblings, 8 brothers and 3 sisters.  He graduated from Andrew Jackson High School in 1987 and then earned an Associate’s Degree at LaGuardia Community College, majoring in Business Communication. He went on to continue his education, graduating from Nyack College and New Greater Bethel Bible Institute, receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Education and Theology. Hungry for the “Word” Pastor Rivers is continuing is education and will soon receive his Master’s in Divinity.


In 1990, he met Tamiko Garris and on November 4, 1994 they were united in holy matrimony to live as one.  From this union, they were blessed with four beautiful children: Nieisha Mon'et Rivers, Jaleik John Wesley Rivers, Jahnyce Carin Rivers, and Javen Nathaniel Rivers.


Pastor Rivers was born and raised in a Baptist family.  He accepted the Lord and Saviour in life at a young age.  He was saved under the ministry of Rev. Cornelius Davis at Community Friendly Baptist Church.  His service to the church began early, singing in the Rev. C. Davis Children's Chorus.  In 1990, the Lord led him to Bibleway Temple where he was a member for 24 years under the tutelage of the late Bishop Jesse C. Davenport Jr. and Mother Frances Davenport.  During that time, he began to hear the voice of God speak to him concerning ministry.  In 1996, John Rivers accepted his mandate from above to preach and teach the word of God.  He began to have bible study with Elder Gilbert Baham and was ordained as Elder in July of 2002. 


Pastor Rivers continued his faithfulness to the son of the Bishop, Pastor Jesse C. Davenport III and First Lady Monique Davenport, servings as an Associate Minister for over five years.  He taught Bible School, sang in the choir, taught the new members class and Sunday School. He was later elevated from Elder John Rivers to Assistant Pastor, where he diligently served God.


"To whom much is given much is required" - Luke 12:48


The Lord spoke again to Elder Rivers on August 2014 and he obediently answered by stepping out on faith and accepting the calling over his life to Pastoral-ship.  On December 5, 2015 at Friendly's Apostolic Church Elder John Rivers was installed to the office of Pastor by Bishop Newman and is now the Shepard of Worship Christian Center. Pastor John Rivers was born with a purpose to serve.  Standing on the Scripture "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." - John 15:7, Serving the Lord continues to be a driving force in his life.  He has been committed to Christian leadership and the ministry.  He has great compassion for God’s people and continues to help those in need.  He requests that the will of God continues to be done in his life.


In addition to his pastoral service, Pastor Rivers is deeply devoted to his outreach ministry. He has demonstrated a constant, steady love for not only his congregation but for his church community. Through an outdoor ministry, he started a weekly Food Pantry, and holiday clothes and toy drive to help facilitate anyone in need. He was especially vigilant during this Coronavirus Pandemic by seeking both economic and healthcare solutions for the congregation.


"The bible says whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might" - Ecclesiastes 9:10, and that is what Elder John Rivers has done.

The Church



Holy bible detail
We Thank You!

Every donation is greatly appreciated and treated with prayer for the efficient use to further the work of Christ on Earth. 

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

-Malachi 3:10 -



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Feel free to submit a message in the form. A member of the church will get back to you.

Submit A Prayer Request

If you need a prayer but don't want to talk on the phone you can a prayer request in this form.


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113-16 Farmers Blvd
St. Albans, NY 11412

Phone Number:

(631) 482-0758

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Worship Christian Center (W.C.C.) is a place where people can worship, knowing God is the center of attention.

Pastor John W. Rivers set the foundation for a strong community and solid family. We are always happy to meet new people.

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